
Building Management Systems

We supply building management systems to take full control of them.

Enhance the enjoyment, comfort, and energy efficiency of any building, regardless of type or size, with open, scalable, and future-ready building automation systems.

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Sistemas de Gestión de Edificios
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Buying a building management system from HB Group means:

Distribución Nacional y Latinoamérica
National Distribution and Latin America

Our building management systems can reach your project location anywhere in Mexico and parts of Latin America.

Precios Competitivos del Mercado
Competitive Market Prices

We have direct distribution with prestigious brands of building management systems, which allows us to compete on price in the market.

Soporte en Selección de Sistemas
Support in System Selection

We have trained staff who can advise you on selecting your building management system if needed.

Adaptabilidad a Cada Proyecto
Adaptability to Each Project

We customize your building management system based on the needs of your project and integrate the systems that comprise it, as well as provide after-sales service.

Preguntas frecuentes

A building management system is a system that uses sensors and artificial intelligence to monitor and control building services such as ventilation, lighting, energy, fire, and security.

  • Fire safety and sprinkler systems: these emergency systems can also be connected to the BMS. In most buildings, the fire alarm panel remains the best place to control the emergency use of elevators, fire doors, and ventilation systems.
  • Iluminación:BMS puede encender y apagar las luces, y puede realizar un seguimiento del uso para que pueda ver cuánta energía consume su sistema de iluminación.
  • HVAC: los sistemas de calefacción, aire acondicionado y manejo de aire se pueden controlar desde BMS.
  • Seguridad: BMS puede integrarse con sus cámaras de seguridad y sistema de alarma para monitoreo y administración en tiempo real.
  • It allows centralized control and supervision of all building elements.
  • Facilitates the rapid detection of incidents for preventive maintenance.
  • The automation of monitoring tasks increases staff productivity.
  • It provides detailed consumption information that promotes energy efficiency.
  • Improved management increases the comfort and safety of building users.

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