
Bolted Water Storage Tanks

Get a supply of bolted water tanks, ensuring a comprehensive custom solution.

We offer a complete supply to assemble a bolted water storage tank, ensuring optimal tank performance. Bolted tanks have fewer leaks, are an economical and quick option, assembling in a third of the time it takes for a welded tank, with much simpler assembly. Moreover, they are designed under international standards NFPA 22, AWWA, and approved by Factory Mutual, with ISO 9001:2008 Certification.

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Tanques de Almacenamiento de Agua Atornillables
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Buying bolted water storage tanks from HB Group means:

Distribución Nacional y Latinoamérica
National Distribution and Latin America

Our bolted water storage tanks can be delivered wherever you need them in Mexico and parts of Latin America.

Precios Competitivos del Mercado
Competitive Market Prices

We have direct distribution with the tank manufacturers, which enables us to compete on price in the market.

Soporte en selección de Tanques
Assistance in Tank Selection

We have trained staff who could advise on the selection and design of your bolted water storage tank.

Adaptabilidad a Cada Proyecto
Adaptability to Each Project

Water tank designed to the specification of each project, referencing national and international standards such as NFPA, AWWA, FM, etc.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Reduced installation and maintenance costs.
  • Flexibility to increase or reduce storage capacity.
  • Having the option to relocate the tank at a much lower cost.
  • In case of an accident, tank parts can be easily replaced.
  • They can be built in different configurations: low, wide, tall, narrow, with or without steel bottom, with or without cover according to your specific needs.
  • The tanks are shipped in compact, manageable packages which minimize freight costs and allow for easy handling on the job site.
  • Tank assembly requires less equipment and rotating labor, resulting in considerable cost savings compared to welded or concrete tanks.

A bolted tank storage system represents savings in installation costs, reduced risk, and its simple assembly can be done in tight spaces for industrial, mining, and firefighting processes in various configurations.

Storage tanks are structures made of various materials used for storing different types of liquids such as potable water, wastewater, industrial liquids used in fire protection systems, refineries, etc. Depending on the type of fluid, the type of coating to be used and the tank design are selected.

  1. They currently have the need to increase the storage capacity of a fluid.
  2. Your facilities have welded tanks or cisterns with leaks.
  3. Your storage system is not designed considering the seismic zone of its location.
  4. You need to store a fluid in a tank with AWWA or FM approval.
  5. Your insurance company requires you to have a certified tank for fire protection system.

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